Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter Pics...

I know these are a little late but I thought they were so cute I thought I would post them late!

Noah and Jake in there matching outfits! (Niether one of them would smile)

Our family Easter morning, and Noah with all of his Easter stuff from Grandma Lisa! It was pretty much Christmas all over again.. =)

Easter Morning Noah was so excited, and it was so cute because Noah put everything straight to his mouth!

Grandma Lisa (Kev's mom) bought Jake and Noah these adorable outfits for Easter. They look like little babies in mens clothes!

Fun At the Ranch

It's the thing Kevin looks forward to every year, "Branding Calves". It finally came yesterday and it was so much fun. My cousin Megan and her husband Spencer live out in Park Valley on a ranch with her in-laws. They have been so kind to invite us out every year and Kevin really loves it.

So yesterday we left at about 6:00 AM, Jess came to our house and off we went. We got there at about 8:00 AM and then the fun began. The boys all went to brand and round up the cows and the girls just sat and watched and talked to catch up.

Megan and Spencer were so nice to let us hang out at there house and her in-laws fed us lunch afterwards. It was really YUMMY!! We can't wait for next year! The only bad part about it is the smell and how dirty they get and the boys don't mind, so I guess we can't either.

Thanks to all the Morris' for the invite and hospitality.We really appreciate! We had so much fun... (Seriously Kevin was in HEAVEN!!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Weekend

I have to say how much I love conference weekend, I look forward to it every six months, it finally gets here and before we know it's gone. I really enjoyed all of the talks that were given but my favorite ones were Pres. Monson and Elder Holland, it was good to hear that we need to be of good cheer through these tough times and that we are never alone, we always have the savior and our beloved Hevenly Father with us every step of the way. I love this gospel so much and I'm so glad I have it in my life, we really are so blessed with all of our family so close, I'm so thankful for all they do for us.

On Saturday we just stayed home and watched conference, Kevin was sleeping through the first session because the night before he worked all night and Noah and me just hung out. We later had my family come over to dye eggs and the boys went to the preisthood session together. On Sunday we stayed home for the first session and then went over to my in laws for the second half and hung out and his mom made us some yummy! dinner. We went on a walk because the weather was pretty nice, it was such a great weekend.

We decided to make cookies and Kevin volunteerd bake them, I went in the kitchen and he had all 24 cookies on what cookie sheet. I had to take half of them off because we didn't want one giant cookie! And I had to take a picture because it was pretty funny, but I guess it's the thought that counts! Right?

Grandma Lisa, Noah and cousin Jake!

Noah at Grandma Great's house!

Noah on our walk!

Easter Fun!

For Easter we normally go over to my Grandma and Grandpa Barkers house to do an Easter Egg Hunt. However this year my sweet grandparents decided to take some time for themselves and take a trip to Arizona so Jess and myself decided to take it on ourselves. Every year we always dye eggs with my family so this year we decided to put the dying eggs and Easter egg hunt together, Actually it was quite fun!! We made mini pizzas and dyed eggs and then we did an Easter Egg Hunt in my family room because it was too cold outside (I guess it wasn't much of an easter egg hunt but it was still fun). My mom brought 72 boiled eggs and then we all brought dye, while the boys went to the priesthood session we all stayed and dyed eggs and it was really funny because my mom and sister in law got way into it (they wanted all of the fun vibrant colors!!) Take a look below at some pics on our slide show....

About Me

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I'm a mom to the most handsome baby on the block and married to the best husband ever. I love to spend time with my family and friends, playing games and just hanging out. I love to make crafts with my mom and sisters too.