Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Weekend

I have to say how much I love conference weekend, I look forward to it every six months, it finally gets here and before we know it's gone. I really enjoyed all of the talks that were given but my favorite ones were Pres. Monson and Elder Holland, it was good to hear that we need to be of good cheer through these tough times and that we are never alone, we always have the savior and our beloved Hevenly Father with us every step of the way. I love this gospel so much and I'm so glad I have it in my life, we really are so blessed with all of our family so close, I'm so thankful for all they do for us.

On Saturday we just stayed home and watched conference, Kevin was sleeping through the first session because the night before he worked all night and Noah and me just hung out. We later had my family come over to dye eggs and the boys went to the preisthood session together. On Sunday we stayed home for the first session and then went over to my in laws for the second half and hung out and his mom made us some yummy! dinner. We went on a walk because the weather was pretty nice, it was such a great weekend.

We decided to make cookies and Kevin volunteerd bake them, I went in the kitchen and he had all 24 cookies on what cookie sheet. I had to take half of them off because we didn't want one giant cookie! And I had to take a picture because it was pretty funny, but I guess it's the thought that counts! Right?

Grandma Lisa, Noah and cousin Jake!

Noah at Grandma Great's house!

Noah on our walk!


Trina said...

So glad that you found me! I actually searched for you on face book, but as you can imagine, Cassie Jones brought up about a thousand. I couldn't remember your married name. Last I talked to your mom, before we left for New York, you were about to find out what your were expecting. What a cute little guy! I'm so excited that you found me. I'll look at your blog more, but it's almost midnight and we need to read scriptures and go bed.

Steph and Brady said...

I am so glad you found our blog! What a cute little family you have! Noah is SO cute! I bet he is so much fun!

Trina said...

My friends baby was born on Evelyn's birthday, Nov. 3rd, so she's about a week older. Now I can know about what size your little Noah is and the picture can seem more real.

Laurel said...

Noah is adorable and I am glad you found my blog because now I can check in on you and see how you are doing. Tell kevin good luck, the path seems never ending. I wonder if he knows my husband. He is also at Weber, is Kevin doing Zoo? Anyways...I am glad things are going well and motherhood is the best like you said!

Trina said...

Have a Happy Birthday tomorrow. You're getting so old. I can't believe you'll be 23!

Steven and Caitlin said...

I can finally make comments now because we have a blog. check it out I haven't updated it in a while but we finally have one. Noah is so cute! I can't believe he is getting so big! They grow up to fast.

About Me

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I'm a mom to the most handsome baby on the block and married to the best husband ever. I love to spend time with my family and friends, playing games and just hanging out. I love to make crafts with my mom and sisters too.